
第一個MV是安在旭的fans - Molly 做的,配樂是Sissel 的《Summer Snow》,這首歌好像是為朴善英在《必勝!奉順英》裡的角色量身訂作一般,感覺歌詞就像是在描寫師傅的心情,實在佩服Molly的選曲能力,個人非常喜歡這首歌! 我們是不是應該建議KBS將必勝和師傅"最後的舞" ("싸부..., 쉘 위 댄스?") 的這段配樂改成Sissel 的《Summer Snow》? 感覺會更美喔... ^^ 當時看完這個MV,我就開始到處尋找這首歌,後來發現EMI 2003年出版的《天籟美聲》 (The Angel Sings) 專輯裡有收錄,音樂超棒的喔! 強力推薦! 個MV則是韓國的fans做的. ^_^


No.1 [M/V] Summer Snow - Sissel

It's summer snow in the deep blue sea
I try to touch, but it fades away
It must be a dream I will never get
Just like my love that's crying for you

If there were something not to change forever
We could feel it deep in our heart
Today is over with a million tears
Still everyone has a wish to live

Oh, I do believe everlasting love
And destiny to meet you again
I feel a pain I can hardly stand
All I can do is loving you

It's summer snow in the deep blue sea
I try to touch, but it fades away
It must be a dream I will never get
Just like my love that's crying for you

No.2 [M/V] Epilogue - 김연우

No.3 [M/V] 행복한 이유 - 오석준


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